Friday, May 28, 2010

So much to learn!

The deeper I am getting into this industr, the more I am learning I do not know, and it is scaring me. It is very frustrating trying to get answers when all you have is the internet and a few books. No one ever bothered to teach me anything about proper conformation for any disciplines. Up until I was about 15, no one even bothered to teach me much about equitation except for "heels down". For months I have been attempting to teach myself about correct movement in hunters and what makes it. Now a community on LiveJournal has me frantically trying to learn about balanced movement. There is very little helpful information or examples online. This is the particular video. It was posted in the community bad_riding, so as I watched it for the first time, I was looking for what was so appalling. All I could find was the lack of lead changes. Apparently the horse has no impulsion and is working off her forehand. The fact that, going back and watching it, I can not distinguish the way she is moving from videos of horses that are supposedly going well, other than more hang time of the limbs. If this is something so basic, why can't I even tell when a horse is going well, let alone ride one?
I am stuck at home, I haven't seen a horse in 3 months, I have no job, and I have to go back to community college in the fall. I am seriously missing Onalaska. I feel like none of it was real, like it's just a dream. When it comes to riding, I feel like that kid that got held back in school repeatedly, so now they're so old they'll likely never graduate. I feel like I can never come near to knowing as much as I even want to, let alone be a competent trainer. I am tempted to look into equestrian schools, if not for my future once I get a degree, but just to do some catching up on all the stuff I DON'T know.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Onalaska, Wales, and where to next?

Wow, life's just sort of swept me up and I forgot about this blog! I spent what was probably the best summer of my life in Wisconsin, met lots of wonderful people and horses, learned a whole lot, and lost my favourite horse. Over the spring and summer I became very attached to Deacon. For all our stupid little problems, we had just as many awesome little times. We ended up smoothing it out and taking grand champion in our division at the year end awards. In October he coliced and died. I don't want to go into it here, but you can read about it here.
In November I made the decision to leave. The position was supposed to be temporary, and it was time for me to let someone else have their chance. Besides, I was very excited about my trip to Wales that was supposed to be way more than a trip. I planned on sitting my BHS stage 1 exam at the very least, staying three to six months.
Because I didn't have a visa and I couldn't technically work, we decided to make it a 6 week trial period, with the intention of coming back in the fall if I liked it, which I was sure I would.
My time in Wales was wonderful and I'm very grateful to the family for opening up their house and riding school to me and taking me in. It was almost exactly as I had expected, I just didn't like it as much as I thought I would. My living conditions weren't great at all, which I knew about before I came. Cardiff was pretty much how it's described in the Torchwood novels and the people were just as friendly as I'd heard they were. Showjumpers ride differently, however. Horses move differently from hunters, and as much as I wanted to try something new, it got irritating when people are talking about your flaws all of the time, when in actuality they are not flaws but things that come from hours of practice. Apparently I tip forward, my heels are too far down, and my toes stick out too far. Ok, so they do stick out but still.

The plan while in Wales was to come home and get a job, buy a car (because my Jeep finally died) find a local barn to teach lessons at, and in the fall go back to college and then eventually by a little paint or quarter horse cross.
Since I can't seem to get any job at all, I'm now on a quest for another live-in job, this time something that pays too so that I can buy a car soon and then a horse. I'm trying to stay in the midwest, but we'll see how that goes!

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Some would call it a bad day

Today I went to ride in my saddle for the very first time, and I fell off. Ok what happened was the girth was too big and so a little loose, the horse doesn't like to stand still to be mounted, the saddle was slippery and new, and I wasn't expecting it. I got on but didn't have the reins really and he swung and bolted before I got my stirrup or my reins gathered. The thought process was as follows: I think I can stay on- no, I'm going to fall- hehe I fell! NO Deacon don't go out the door! I hope the isle door is closed.
It wasn't. He ran outside and started munching hay. I thought the whole thing was quite comical actually, I just wish I had turned my camera on because from where I had placed it I bet the fall and escape would have been at least partially on camera.
Then after lunging him and another pony, putting a different (deeper, knee roll'd) saddle on him we worked on mounting calmly, and not spooking in the corner. He was fine then.
It all would have been good except for my only breeches broke. I love these because they fit really well, and I haven't really worn them out too bad. Only about a year of 30 minutes a week, less than that because I wear jeans to ride a lot. So I got home and went to change and I undid my belt and the button and pulled the zipper, but it just broke completely in two instead of unzipping! I know it wasn't from pressure since I need a belt for them to stay on well. The bad part is this was the second pair of cheap breeches to that to happen to. The others were Devon Aire and sucked all around, but I guess I got what I payed for. ($30) These were what I had, EquiStar.
I meant to buy new breeches soon but I wanted them to have as well as the ones that just broke. This really sucks because nothing is wrong with them at all except for the zipper.
After a paycheck or two I'm going to order either these or these.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Closer Than Ever

This is the "journal" I kept over my trial weekend

Well, another blog because I currently don't have any internet access. I'm in Wisconsin, all alone in another family's house. 0.o Well, both the house and the woman are very nice. I'm spending the weekend here as a trial. If nothing goes terribly wrong I should be coming back here near the end of January for at least six months as a working student. For now I'll stay in one of the spare bedrooms downstairs but later when it gets nicer out I'll move to the little apartment by the barn because it has wireless and its own kitchen and stuff.
Later when Julie gets back I'm going to go out and ride. ^ _^ I haven't ridden since August!

I'm gonna go read now. I have a Buffy novel on loan from Trish and I also just bought a magazine that has an interview with Lily Allen and a spread with some random model wearing an awesome crochet hat that I really want to try and make.


It's later, um, 8:02 pm. This woman is so nice! Today I learned to lunge a horse (dizzy much?) then I rode her but I just trotted because she was coming off of time off or lameness or something but she was really crooked. XD She was all over the place and I kind of was too. Then after we put her away me and another girl who works for part of her board costs got two horses from a pasture. I lunged one and then rode her. She was much better but she's kind of short so it was hard for me to get my leg on her and I had trouble picking up the canter until I got a stick. Then we went and got feed, then dinner at Quiznos and then to Walmart for her to get some stuff and me to get some frozen stuff for lunch and dinner tomorrow and poptarts for breakfast. :)

Now I'm chilling in my room. I'm ok here because I have a lot of movies and a book and I have my TARDIS that I'm knitting. I could walk down to the apartment by the barn because it has wireless and is heated but It's so warm in here and so cold outside and I don't want to. XD That's ok because tomorrow I'll have some free time at the barn so I can go over there to warm up and get me some connection with the outer world. I can also email my mom and tell her not to worry, but I didn't bring my charger for my phone and it just died. That's surprising because usually it can go a few days when it has one bar of battery and earlier it today had two. o.O


Alrighty, it's now 9 pm on Saturday. Today was full and surprisingly not dreadful. You know, I actually don't mind cleaning stalls. 0.0 wow. I got to wake up late (as far as barn chores go) and then I helped bring horses in and out, then I learned how to muck stalls and then swept the isle, which was horrible because the dust was so thick that everything was hazy, and I forgot to take any allergy meds! I wasn't really cold except for my hands, because I had on a sweatshirt, my mom's huge, thick hand knit wool sweater, and my coat and a hat. Afterwards I came in the apartment and had a coke and warmed up and quickly checked my email and dA. I had a whole bunch of messages at both so I just tackled my dA messages and left the deviations for later.

When I got on to ride the same horse she was great at the trot and I tried a sitting trot. She was smooth and it felt great. Then I went to canter her and she was stubborn as usual. I had to actually pick my leg up off her and kick her several times before she'd pick it up, and even then she wanted to break into a trot. I just went over a few teeny crossrails and royally screwed them up. I thought I was going to puke twice. It's the most annoying thing, when I'm around lots of dust and I exert a lot of energy, the mucus in my sinuses/nose somehow like triggers my gag reflex. :[ I've always had the sense to tell someone and stop before I puke when I'm riding but it sucks in gym class when they make us run for ten minutes straight in the indoor track thing, because it's full of dust. I complained a lot to my teachers so they never really gave me a good grade at all, and last year I was trying to be a good little girl and not fail by stopping or running to the bathroom. I was sure I could keep it down, then I wasn't, so I ran to the nearest open door just in time and puked. Then I felt ok but the teacher made me sit in the corner. Later that class they were playing something (I forgot what) and I wanted to play but she wouldn't let me because I was 'sick'.

[back to present day] So then I truly thought my wal-dryl was in my big bag at the house, so she sent me back to get it and to eat lunch. I went back and realized it was in my purse, which I had shoved into my backpack next to my computer, which was up at the apartment. So I just ate my potstickers (which were very yummy) and read a little of the Spike and Dru book Trish lent me, then left a few minutes early and walked back up to the apartment to take the medicine.

Then I got another horse and lunged and rode him. I've only met one horse before who continually tried to break into a walk from a trot. He was S L O W. By that time my legs really hurt so instead of being good, I sat the trot and put my heels into his sides. He's kind of short so I had to lift my heel up a bit to do it.
Then I got a baby pony and groomed him. He had burrs in his mane and tail. Julie commented on how much I seem to like grooming, and I realized that I did miss it. I like making a horse pretty. It's been over a year since I got to groom any horses pretty because the damn grooms did everything at Fields.

When I went to brush/pick the burrs out of his tail, he farted right by my face. X_X yes. When he was all clean I put a western saddle and bridle on and lunged him. It was fun because he was just learning. Now I want a baby pony of my own to teach! Yep. Or a mustang. :P I'd probably break like both legs or something because I don't know anything about breaking a horse.
Then I went back to the apartment and got some more internets. It was good to actually have so many messages to answer/read. I'm so compulsive of checking every site I go on at home that I barely have any more than one message or deviation to look at.

Then I walked back up to the house and had an Amy's frozen Indian dinner and another poptart and read some more. It was most delicious. Chick peas, regular peas, rice, tofu, and some sauce. Charlie, Julie's son (my age) asked me if I wanted him to show me how to start/work the Wii and tv or theatre room but I said no because I was shy as usual. I'll learn when/if (but hopefully when) I come back for sure to stay. The theatre room is cool, it's a whole room filled with huge chairs and a giant screen and a popcorn cart thing and movie posters on the walls. Julie says she has "saddle club" meetings there in the spring and summer for the younger students and their friends. I love that. I can't wait to have all the little horse mad kiddies over to do horse related crafts and watch horse movies. I used to not really like little kids but I guess I've grown up a bit because they've grown on me. I think it was having Dominic around all the time. He just loves me so much and he's so fun to take care of, even if it is trying or hard at times.

Then I watched Drop Dead Fred and now I am writing this. I forgot I deleted Snood, and I got bored of knitting so I was kind of bored but now I'm writing so I'm not. I'm listening to Madness right now, Our House. :P
Tomorrow I'll be down at the barn at seven and do some more chores and lunge a few more horses. Maybe I'll quick knit a little cord to attach to my camera so I can put it around my neck and record while I'm lunging, then everyone can get as dizzy as me. :D I can't believe I didn't really get any footage today, just what I'm sure is crappy, disorienting footage of the ground and some horses while I was trying to turn out Cinnamon, one of the horses I rode yesterday and today.

Well, tomorrow after that Julie's going to drive me part way back to Madison and meet (I typed that 'meat' at first XD) Mom and my brat sisters at a Hardee's.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

My Show.

I know that some people go to shows every weekend during the season, but I have been to one real show. It was my graduation present, and while I wish I could do more classes, I am really grateful for what I could do. I rode Calvin about three times before the show, and then I was really confident because I was doing a really low class.

Excitement made me not get to sleep until about 3 am. I awoke at 6:30, much too late! I sped through the rain to get to the barn at 7 am, much too late! (So typical of me) Luckily I had people kind enough to groom and tack Cal for me and we had a very good first round.

Here is the professional photographer's proof gallery from the day.

First we went in for hunters over fences on the left lead, and we won the class! Cal was such a good boy.

Look at that teeny jump! No one believes I've been riding since 2001.

Then we went and did the same course on the right lead, and after one of the fences he picked up the wrong lead, and I was dumb enough not to do a simple change, and I let him rush a fence and so we only placed 4th.

Then we did the same course but for equitation over fences and I got third.

Then we had a break and then we went back in the warm up ring and he was moving REALLY nice.

My friend Trish took this picture with one of her film cameras.

We went back in for hunter under saddle and Calvin was so good. He won. After that we did equitation on the flat and I didn't place. There was some controversy because the person who won was an instructor.

When I was back giving Calvin a bath they announced he was champion hunter and we got a giant ribbon and another $20 gift certificate to the same tack shop. I ended up giving Ariel the gift certificates because gas was so high then that it would have taken me almost as much money as I had in certificates to get there and back.
Here's what we won.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Getting close

So, it looks like I could very well be moving to New Jersey after Christmas for a working student job! If for some reason they pull out, I have a dressage barn in New York and a show/boarding barn in Ontario that would like to have me out. :D

One of these days I'm going to write up a synopsis of the show, complete with pictures.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Moving along

I'm currently in contact with a few show barns that are considering having me come out to interview for a live in working student position. The positions would last anywhere from a few months to a year. I've been using a very helpful site called

Traceland Farm needs a show groom/ working student for their show season in Ocala and the owner is going to call me to talk. Here's their ad.

Andrew of Hunter Farms in New Jersey has just asked me when I am available for work.

Penwick Stable has sent me a questionnaire that I sent back answered. Here is their ad.

Julie of Bascule Farm in Maryland says she'd like to talk with me and I still have to call or email. Here is the ad.

I've contacted about ten more places that haven't replied back. I'd really recommend for this sort of thing. It is the only site of its kind I've found in English. The site is international.

I promise that I'll have an overview and pictures from the show I did in June soon.